
SEO-led Website Rebuild Brings 91% Uplift in Organic Lead Generation

BusinessWatch was generating some organic traffic but not at the scale or conversion rate necessary, until we led a rebuild of the site incorporating key SEO and CRO principles.

Client: BusinessWatch Group

BusinessWatch is a market leader in provision of fire and security installation and monitoring.


To fortify its online lead generation, BusinessWatch highlighted the requirement for website improvements. The core challenge: evolve and enhance the existing digital footprint to effectively cater to organic lead generation needs.

The focal strategy was a holistic website optimisation, attending to user experience, content relevance, and technical robustness.

The Solution

  1. Keyword Research: Detailed research ensured alignment of each webpage with pertinent, high-converting keywords, positioning BusinessWatch effectively in search results.
  2. Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO):
  3. Above the Fold: Prioritized vital content to be immediately visible, facilitating swift user engagement.
  4. Scannable Content: Ensured content was digestible and accessible, facilitating user readability.
  5. Contextual CTAs: Relevant CTAs were placed judiciously, guiding users contextually.
  6. Social Proof Integration: Incorporated testimonials and validations to lend credibility and context.
  7. Speed Optimisation: Enhanced site load times to provide a more responsive user experience.
  8. Technical SEO Enhancements: Ensured the site was easily crawlable and organised for Google to index
  9. Site Speed: Adjustments were made to the website infrastructure, improving load times.
  10. Image Optimisation: Efficiently formatted images, balancing quick load times with visual quality.
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The Result?

In the 6 months following the website rebuild:

  • BusinessWatch saw a 91% rise in organic lead generation, affirming the impact of the website optimisation project.

This case study illustrates the value of a systematic approach to website optimisation.

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